Justin Roiland, The co-creator of one the biggest animated shows of the las decade “Rick And Morty” has moved on to a new project. His latest creation “Solar Opposites” is an animated show coming to Hulu on May 8th of this year, And the trailer for came out recently.
For “Rick And Morty” fans thers no excuse for not cheking out this show, with new characters and different story, but with the same style as “Rick And Morty”, The show is about a family of aliens who ended up on earth and are trying to have a life and fit in to society, but on they’re way they are conflicted with humans and this new planet causing chaos everywhere.
The show Features the voice cast of Justin Roiland Himself, Thomas MiddleDitch From “Silicon Valey”, Sean Giambrone from “The Goldberg’s”, And also comedian Mary Mack. In addition There’s a lot of Awesome guest voice actors such as, Tiffany Haddish, Alfred Molina, And Christina Hendriks, among others.
If you’re interested on the show you can check out the trailer now and star streaming on Hulu on may 8th. I like the concept of the show, and because the rest season 4 of “Rick And Morty” hasn’t come out at this point, is fun to see something new from it’s creator. having something new for all of us to watch while we’re at home.